Wednesday in Holy Week, March 27, 2024, Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Little Rock

Wednesday in Holy Week, March 27, 2024

John 13:21-32. Women serving last meal

We are helping serve this evening meal with Jesus and our other friends. We are right at the table, so we can hear much of what is happening. Jesus seems agitated, not at all like himself. He suddenly blurts out, “Someone at this table will betray me.” The disciples are now agitated. Peter reclines next to John, who is next to Jesus. We hear Peter whisper to John, “See if you can find out who it is.” John discreetly whispers to Jesus, “Who is it, Lord?” Jesus, in a very soft voice, tells John, “It is the one whom I give this bread to after I dip it.” Then he offers the bread to Judas and tells him, “Do what you have to do now.” We go back into the kitchen and talk with the other women. We don’t understand this at all. It makes no sense. But when we return from the kitchen area, Judas is gone. No one runs after him to stop him from doing whatever he is doing. Jesus now speaks in a clear voice, so all can hear, “Now the Son has been glorified!” More words from Jesus that make no sense.

What shall we do? Something is going to happen that does not seem right. Should we go find Judas and tell him not to do what he is planning? Women chasing a man at night is definitely dangerous. Should we tell Peter and John to do something? But they seem as stupefied as we are. We don’t understand it. Surely, if Jesus is about to be betrayed, God will save him. Jesus, who brings people back to life, certainly cannot be harmed by others. We don’t understand it. So, we decide to ignore it.

Women are worriers, though. Our experience is that when we ignore signs of impending danger that we do not understand, terrible things still happen. We don’t have to understand the threat to do something about it. I talk with the other women. We decide we will stay close by Jesus, even if it puts us in harm’s way, no matter what is about to happen. We feel powerless, but have one gift to give to the one we love. It is the gift we have given ever since Jesus has made a difference in our lives. We offer him our presence.

Joanna Seibert