Charleston: Child's Heart

 Charleston:  Child’s Heart

“I think we know. I think we are born knowing. Somewhere inside, in our soul, we have this instinctive awareness that we are the child of a caring presence. Over the years we may learn to call this presence by many names. We may define our feelings in the language of faith and dogma. We may even let the instinct go and walk away thinking we were wrong all along. But I believe we know because no matter what we do the love never leaves us. You and I are loved, loved by a common parent, loved all of our lives, and loved until we pass over, to discover the truth in the heart of a child.”  Bishop Steven Charleston, Daily Emails.

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Inner child dream

My experience is that my inner child, the child within me is the creative part of me that connects me to God. I often best experience this inner child in dreams. This is an inner child dream that has saved my life.

My dream was that my daughter had HIV/AIDS. (My daughter in my dreams is usually my inner child, the creative part of me that connects me to God.) I am trying to draw blood from my daughter, and I prick the needle and receive her blood. An old VA nurse comes over and tells me to take this blue “solution” and we both will be well. (May each of us have an old VA nurse in us who always knows the right “solution” for every situation,)

 As I work with several spiritual friends in dream groups about the blue “solution,” it becomes clear; the solution for healing for me, to connect me to God is represented by what is blue, the blue sky, the blue sea, the blue birds I daily see by my window. This is what I see when I am outdoors, in nature. Being in Nature is what always heals me. Trees, Wind, Sea, Blue Skies, Birds. This is where my child’s heart, my soul, begins to beat, comes alive, realizes there is a Creator beyond words who made and loves each of us.
