Charleston: More non-anxious

Charleston: More non-anxious

“Let's do something surprising. In the midst of anxiety, let us be unafraid. In the time of anger, let us be peaceful. In the heart of turmoil, let us be a steady center. How easy it is to run with the crowd, driven by sound-bytes and rumors, racing to catch the news, chasing hope as if it were running to hide. Let us do something different. Let us be the rallying point for faith, the constant and consistent presence of a love that embodies justice, the quiet truth that knits lives together.” Steven Charleston Daily Facebook Message

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My heart aches. I awaken with frequent thoughts about how we can help support and bring refugee families to this country. I see a posting on Facebook from a friend also wondering what we can do. Then I read Charleston’s call to be unafraid and be the steady center, what Gibran tells parents, to be, to remain the steady bow to their children, what family systems tells us to do in a situation, to remain the least anxious presence. I am calm.

Then I remember the news when our borders were closed to immigrants from Syria indefinitely, when people from seven predominately Muslim countries linked to concerns about terrorism were bared entry into our country for 90 days. Refugees on their way to our country were held up at airports. A Syrian teenager was detained at the airport in Little Rock Arkansas!  

This is not my country. I keep remembering that we are a country of refugees except for the native Americans. My daughter-in-law’s father grew up in Syria. If he had not come to this country, we would not have the beautiful family we now have.

 How do I remain a non-anxious presence when I see so many families being harmed, especially the dreamers who registered to be safe and now are at risk for deportation? It is so easy for fear and anxiety to take over. I know there are people who feel differently about this than I, but  my core beliefs are to try to care for those in need, especially strangers, just as I was cared for.

Right now, I know I can write about it, be present to those I personally know who may be in danger, and help to educate myself and others about the issues.

Perhaps I can pray about it. Yes, that is what I would tell others, to pray about it, meditate on it and hope the answer will come.

We are called to on the alert for a just solution that is not made in anger, that will help, not harm.
